

Also known as the Odal rune, used by the Nazi. Here is an old poem:

Eþel byþ oferleof æghwylcum men,
gif he mot ðær rihtes and gerysena on
brucan on bolde bleadum oftast.
An estate is very dear to every man,
if he can enjoy there in his house
whatever is right and proper in constant prosperity.
Paintings were not done on paper as before, but I decided to use Corel Painter 11.
Which does respond better to expression than to painting with real brushes, together with a Bamboo tablet. Assume all other images now will be done in this much better manner. I will also redo the first card of this set.....
I would say that Othala represents the essence of change, but unlike the I Ching, which represents the circumstances and consequences of change. One may argue that it represents one's homeland, but what is the meaning of one's homeland - it could be more connected to a place? For it is in one's place of home, that one grows up i.e that one changes, internally through perspective and externally when reacting to what is life! My variations of the symbol are my own....


10 - GEBO

Traditionally speaking, Gebo means "gift." According to Freya Aswynn, ancient Northern traditions implied that a gift was given on the understanding that a gift would be received in return. And "gift" does not necessarily mean a present all wrapped up with a bow on top, although it can certainly mean this. The idea of a gift given and gift received is another way of looking at the well-known Rule of Three-everything that you send out is returned to you threefold. So when you give something to someone, you must do so by fully recognizing that you will receive something back. It is the universal idea of balance. 

To every reaction there is an equal and opposite reaction. Life goes on....it circles in strange angles, in friction we fing hope - but there is a  hinge that all things seem to balance; we are ever constantly reminded off. Whenever we give - GEBO should come to mind. Natural giving, to give the shine of oneself - is to sense the heat of oneself.