

D Thinker.- The painting I did for this was scanned and cleaned through a dust filter, though this is something I had not done for previous images, but it has resulted in an image which has greater clarity, but no shadow. EHWAZ is M shaped, but you may consider the image to be U shaped, but if u consider the picture in a more 3 dimensional way, it is a M.

va (a Sanskrit word for a horse) is one of the significant animals finding references in several Hindu scriptures. The corresponding Avestan term is aspa. The word is cognate to Latin equus, Germanic ehwaz.



Breakthrough, awakening, awareness. Daylight clarity as opposed to nighttime uncertainty. A time to plan or embark upon an enterprise. The power of change directed by your own will, transformation. Hope/happiness, the ideal. Security and certainty. Growth and release. Balance point, the place where opposites meet. Dagaz Merkstave (Dagaz cannot be reversed, but may lie in opposition): A completion, ending, limit, coming full circle. Blindness, hopelessness.

D Thinker - The blind force of the cosmos. It is also the energy of construction and destruction.



Also called Ken
Letter: K or hard C
Old Norse name: Kaun
Flower: gorse, wild rose
Gem: bloodstone
Number: 3rd

The traditional meaning of Kenaz is a torch, and in that aspect, Kennaz in a reading indicates knowledge revealed. As a torch lights a pathway, so does Kennaz shed light on hidden reasons, underlying causes, unknown or unacknowledged aspects of the self, and hidden motives belonging either to the querent or another person who may be involved in the reading.

Kennaz's element is fire, the fire of creation, the fire of inspiration, the spark of enthusiasm that gets a project going. Kennaz often indicates that creative aspect in a reading; if it shows up with Berkana, it can presage a birth of some creative project, for example, a novel or a piece of art.
In health readings, Kennaz can indicate good health or strong recuperative powers. If querent is already ill, Kennaz can indicate recovery that will be more likely with a positive attitude.

In relationship readings, Kennaz often indicates the active or dominant person in the relationship. It is here that Kennaz, along with the other runes, may reveal those hidden motives we talked about earlier. If the querent is the passive person in the relationship, he or she might be able to learn a lot about his or her situation from Kennaz.


Berkana is an ancient Norse word for birch tree, and symbolically stands as the Norse rune for growth and rebirth. As described in The Book of Runes by Ralph Blum, Berkana "denotes a form of fertility that fosters growth both symbolically and actually." It is the rune that leads to blossoming and ripening. "Berkana is concerned with the flow of beings into their new forms. Its action is gentle, penetrating, and pervasive." In order to promote blossoming, Berkana requires the qualities of modesty, patience, fairness and generosity.


Wōden is the deity in Anglo-Saxon polytheism corresponding to Norse Odin, both continuations of a Proto-Germanic deity, *Wōdanaz. Other West Germanic forms of the name include Dutch Wodan, Alemannic Wuodan, and German Wotan.

Woden was worshipped during the Migration period, until the 7th or 8th century, when Germanic paganism was gradually replaced by Christianity. In Anglo-Saxon England, Woden was rationalized as a historical king, and remnants of worship were continued into modern times as folklore, Wodan figuring prominently in both English and Continental folklore as the leader of the Wild Hunt.

Wednesday is named after Woden.

D Thinker - This post was done on Wednesday.

Phol ende UUodan vuorun zi holza.
du uuart demo Balderes volon sin vuoz birenkit
thu biguel en Sinthgunt, Sunna era suister;
thu biguol en Friia, Volla era suister
thu biguol en Uuodan, so he uuola conda
sose benrenki, sose bluotrenki
sose lidirenki: ben zi bena
bluot zi bluoda, lid zi geliden
sôse gelîmida sin!

English translation:
Phol (Balder) and Wodan were riding in the forest
Balder's foal sprained its foot
Sinthgunt and Sol, her sister, bespake it
Frige and Fulla, her sister, bespake it
Wodan bespake it, as he was well able:
be it bone-sprain, be it blood-sprain
be it limb-sprain, bone to bones
blood to blood, limb to limbs
as if they were glued!